: Underwater Maternity – Goddess {female Deity} :

Continuing with this session, the vision of which came from Regina Madison of Big Red Sun Photography, we move to the Goddess.  The female deity.  Motherhood.  Love.  Lust.  Fertility.  Childbirth.  Protector.  Family.  Victory.   Just to name a few of the roles of the female goddesses.

If you are curious about the quote on Regina’s gorgeous belly (in the last photo) it is a lyric to a Pearl Jam song, “no one knows this more than me”.

: Underwater Maternity – Warrior :

This part of the underwater maternity session I shot of Regina was focused on the inner warrior, the feminine force that dwells in all of us women and mothers.  Powerful and strong.  Loving and forceful.  Unbreakable and kind.  I decided to make this set very mystical and other worldly.

“The Sea, Once it casts its spell holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
~ Jacques Cousteau

“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.” ~Isak Dinesen

: Underwater Maternity :

Underwater photography is something I have been dabbling in since my husband brought home an underwater camera housing a few years back.  So, when my gorgeous, inspiring and talented friend Regina (also an amazing photographer – http://bigredsunphotos.com/) asked me to photograph her in an underwater maternity shoot I was thrilled.  As you look through these images please keep in mind that this is her 5th.  Yes, 5th.  Boy.  All boys.  Let me say this again, they will have five boys.  Regina did not just want to do any session, she also had a story to tell.  A story of the divine feminine.  The warrior mama.  The goddess.  I think you will all agree that she brought all this and more to her shoot.  Thank you Reg for spending three, shall we say, exuberating, hours with me underwater.  You truly are the divine mother.  Oh, and check back because I will definitely be sharing more from this session…we had four wardrobe changes.